3 of the Most Common Claims Against Fraternal Organizations

As a leader in your fraternal organization, you are aware of the risk of claims your organization faces every day. A guest or volunteer could get injured, whether tripping on a rug or slipping on a wet floor. Property damage could occur through severe weather like hail, wind and floods. Your directors and officers could [...]

Buying, Renewing and Servicing Your Post’s Insurance with Lockton Affinity

Whether you’ve had insurance for your Post through Lockton Affinity for years or are considering coverage for the first time, we’re here to support you. Read on to learn about buying insurance for your Post and renewing and servicing your Post’s insurance with Lockton Affinity. Buying Insurance for Your Post With so many insurance options [...]

July 3rd, 2024|Insurance information|0 Comments

Common Insurance Claims Posts Face

These common claims against fraternal organizations can greatly impact your operations, so it is important to be prepared. Read on to learn about common claim examples and how you can prevent them at your organization.   Common Insurance Claims at Fraternal Organizations The most common claims fraternal organizations face are due to property damage and [...]

Coverage for Special Events—Are your events fully insured?

Fireworks, parades, tractor pulls, silent auctions, carnivals, bake sales—your organization partakes and hosts all kinds of events. But which events are covered by a basic general liability or umbrella policy and which events need a special event policy? Many activities, including fundraising activities, may require a special event policy due to additional exposures associated with [...]

December 5th, 2022|Insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments

How Your Insurance Needs May Change from Year to Year

As your organization changes from year to year, your insurance needs will also change. Whether your Post participates in new activities, hosts new events or has changes to its membership, Lockton Affinity provides access to a variety of insurance policies that can help safeguard your organization throughout it all. You begin hosting events with alcohol [...]

September 7th, 2022|Insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments

Liquor Liability vs. Host Liquor Liability vs. Special Event Coverage

When alcohol is served, your organization needs proper insurance to protect against the risks and liability associated with alcohol. Depending on the type of event, whether your Post is hosting or renting its buildings, you will need different insurance coverage. Read on to understand the differences between liquor liability insurance, host liquor liability insurance and [...]

July 7th, 2022|Insurance information, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Step-by-Step Process of Purchasing Insurance from Lockton Affinity

One of the things that can make shopping for insurance for your Post so hard is not knowing what to expect. You hope that whatever company you choose will be easy to work with and offer the tailored coverage that you need, but it's not always guaranteed. At Lockton Affinity, we aim to provide you [...]

November 11th, 2021|Insurance information, Insurance tips, Post insurance|0 Comments

A Brief History of Insurance

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a very old saying and, in many ways, it's still the basis for the modern insurance that helps protect your Post. Insurance began with people seeking to control the dangers they faced by spreading out the risk among larger groups of people and making agreements to [...]

September 9th, 2021|Insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments

Your Top 5 Insurance Questions Answered

Insurance can be a confusing topic. Unlike other purchases you make for the Post, no instruction manual comes in the box. This can make it hard to know how to use your new insurance, when to make changes and what options you have at renewal. Our customer service team loves hearing from our clients and [...]

January 19th, 2021|Insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments